Everybody has a day in their life where everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong. Well, people, today (10/06), is my day. I know many people have been pestering me on the status of this blog - rest assured, it's not dead, merely suffering from a lack of inspiration and a lack of motivation. I just didn't have enough desire, for lack of better word, to blog about something. Nothing particularly irritating so much so that I had to resort to blogging to get it out of my system. So, to Gerard, Jay, Su Lin, and whoever who was wondering, "I'm BACK!" with no good news however, at least for today.
Sure enough, it started unsuspectingly normal, however. 'Till I checked that I had a checkstop (some kind of block that UB implements to prevent students from enrolling for the next semester) and the only way to clear that was to travel all the way to the South Campus - a good ten minutes bus ride from where I stay. But that was still fine with me. I went to class, and everything was normal. Fine. So after class, I caught the bus to South Campus, did my thing to clear the checkstop, and waited for almost half an hour to get on the bus that takes me home. Fine. I was good. Sometimes, you get your bus, sometimes not.
So I went back to my room, everything fine and dandy, 'till the evening. You see, my dormitory has a health and safety inspection today, so one of the thing that violates this was the extension my roommate was using. So he went out, before I remembered to remind him to unplug his extension. So come the time for the inspection, I was fretting that he would be in trouble, so I decided to call him. Imagine my surprise when I was told that my phone account was temporarily suspended because I did not pay the bill (which I thought I did when I called to settle it through the phone). By then, I was already irritated. I tried accessing their online service, but was told I needed a SSN (social security number). I was pissed by then. I stalked angrily through their website, hoping to find a way to communicate my annoyance at them. Then, the funniest part was, I couldn't call them because my 'account was suspended' and I couldn't email them because I needed an account (which needed the SSN).
I was boiling.
I swore and stalked forums for help. Thankfully, one forum told me a brilliant way to bypass the stupid SSN request. I followed it and lo, and behold, I paid my bill and un-suspend my account. Mind you, my original intent was to just call my roommate, so that was exactly what I did. I called him, and he didn't answer. I was positively worried (and supremely annoyed) so I just unplugged the extension and hid it. The inspection went without another hitch, and you would think that that would be the last of my problems.
So I rushed to the bus stop, because I had a club meeting at 8 and by then it was 7.30 p.m. I thought I could catch the 7.40 p.m. bus, but no bus came. In fact, no bloody bus came until 8, so I had to rush to where my club meeting was held (which was a good 5 minutes walk from the stop). Needless to say, I was late. But the club was cool, so I chilled.
The club ended at 9.30 p.m. and it was raining then. My clubmate and I decided to run, and we ran. When I went on to the bus however, I realized that my bloody day wasn't over yet, when I found out to my horror, my PHONE WAS NOT WITH ME!!! The bus left, I ran back to my room, dumped my stuff, and decided to try and call my number, to no avail. I retraced my steps, in the rain and cold, but still no phone. I have a bloody quiz tomorrow, of which I'm still quite blur with the facts (and I can't study, since I'm not in a proper mood to do so), my right hand feels like its been frozen and I STILL AM PHONELESS. And you guys wanna know what the best thing is? I've just spent like 35 dollars to reactivate my phone, and it looks certainly like I have to suspend it AGAIN!
So here I am, ranting and ranting and ranting. I'm just crossing my fingers that I left my phone at the club, and my clubmates would have kept it for me.
And that's my just awful day.
Can it get any worse?
Tomorrow - my scheduled call with my parents.
That's it folks. Thanks for bearing with my rant.
'Till the next time (hopefully with my phone) - see ya!
EDIT: Thank God for the kind Samaritans who found my phone and gave it to the police. I wish Malaysians were more like these kind people! All hail America! Haha... found my phone, and the day is starting to look better! Thank God once again!
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